Album Reviews Pages

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bells of 1 2 by Sol Seppy

Sol Seppy is the pseudonym of Sophie Michalitsianos, an English girl of Greek parentage who grew up in Australia, and whose prodigious musical talents reflect her diverse background. A classically trained pianist and cellist, she has previously played on Sparklehorse’s classic ‘Good Morning Spider’ and ‘It's A Wonderful Life’ albums (and will be appearing on their new one, due later this year). For this, her first solo outing and it is solo in the truest sense: Sophie writes, performs and produces everything, she has come up with 12 tracks that are at times reminiscent of Mazzy Star. the Cocteau Twins and Slowdive, but with plenty of her own personality thrown in. The title of the best song here, the languorous ‘Slo Fuzz’, says it all. Spooky, soporific and beautiful.

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