Album Reviews Pages

Monday, September 22, 2014

Yoyoyoyoyo by Spank Rock

There's less sonic and lyrical innovation around now than at any point in hip-hop's near 30 year history, with even old school stars like LL Cool J reduced to bouncing around with J.Lo. Spank Rock, a duo from Baltimore, are too weird and marginal to be the answer to this state of affairs, but at least they're providing an alternative. They specialise in a twisted take on the Baltimore booty bass sound music to strip to, but while on drugs. Weird sound effects come from all angles. arrangements incorporate everything from batacuda drums to acoustic guitars and there are great pop moments too, like the irresistible chorus of current single ‘Sweet Talk’. The lyrics don't stray too far from such hip-hop staples as ass, titties and cocaine. but compared to 50 Cent it's revolutionary.

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